Page name: Lemire Arena Council [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-06-03 12:20:10
Last author: Silverbullet
Owner: Veltzeh
# of watchers: 7
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Lemire Arena Council

Since [Duredhel] is busy, the following people will decide about things:
[Blood Raven] (although on a fairly smaller scale than Veltz)

These people will manage single Realms of Lemire Arena pages:

[Blood Raven] volunteering for:
Ravillan Arena
Skarradian Arena
–– Temple catacombs lv1
–– Temple catacombs lv2

Caerhamian Arena
Arena Stables
Tyla Desert, which includes:
--> Epellon Way
--> Caerhamian Outskirts
-----> Caerhamian Brothel
-----> Caerhamian Black Market
-----> Filthy Lizard Tavern
--> Khmia Route
--> Barren Hills
-----> Mysterious Crypt

Rysallean Woods, which includes
--> Enchanted Spring
--> Decayed Forest
--> The Waterfall
-----> Waterfall Caves
--> Rysallean Garden

Mage tower
Koe Islands, which includes:
--> Koe Village
----> Koe Shops
----> Koe Temple
----> Koe's Main Street
--> Pearl Beaches
----> The Crystal Reef
Arena Mess Hall
- Pawn Shop
Training Areas
–– Training Area 1
–– Training Area 2
–– Training Area 3
––– Zurad'one's Lab - Level 1
––– Zurad'one's Lab - Level 2
–– Training Area 4


Now what did we forget?

Admin things ([Veltzeh])
– New character applications
– Character leveling
– Pay day
Lemirian Colosseum
–– RoL Arena Bulletin Board
–– Bookies
–– Warrior's Quarters
–– The Colosseum Grounds
Asfeltas Caves
–– Asfeltas Mountain
––– Peak Monastery
–– Asfeltas Cave
––– Asfeltas Deeps
–– Steam Ponds
All pages that someone else isn't taking care of (i. e. the "still free" list until they're moved).

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